Have been working with EP for years. However our most recent experience goes something like this. 1 - Took the car in for a tune-up and maintenance cycle - was told there was nothing needed, car was great. 2 - 2 weeks later check engine line comes on and we take it back. They tell us that spark plugs need replacing and the timing tweaked. Why didn't this get done with the tune-up? 3 - 2 weeks later and the check engine lite is back on. They tell us the oil solenoid is acting up, but an oil flush and change will fix it. Why didn't this get checked with the first check engine lite? 4 - 1 week later and the check engine lite on again. The oil solenoid needs replacing and the oil needs flushed again. Oops, oil guess was wrong, 3rd engine lite means do something? 5 - 2 weeks after that fix, we go another mechanic and surprise, repeat #4, BUT they recommend basic maintenance work cause it is obvious it hasn't been done for a while. So what was EP doing? 6 - 2 weeks again, engine light and now we are being told the camshaft actuator and the solenoid need replacing and that a 2 grand check are in my future. 2 1/2 months and a couple grand later and it all started with, "Hey your car is in great shape and nothing needs done." Trying to same me time and money has cost me time and money.